Mens Sana In Corpone Sana. Or Why Population Should Never Be Considered Over.
In 2020, five years sooner than anticipated, the Global population hit the eight billion mark. This is according to the (never unbiased or altered data) coming out of United Nations HQ.
This overpopulation issue recently has been brought up constantly, first touched upon in the 1970s by some psuedo-intellectuals, who coincidentally all have degrees from the same universities. This somehow has made them the top experts on how many humans is too many humans, in the world. Today, it seems, our systems of educational indoctornation have worked so well that there are at least three generations alive that truly believe human over-population is the beginning of humanities end, and that all the climate change is caused by this. (They seem to forget about the pollution from unnecessary waste, like plastic, which never biodegrades; or the fact that plants LOVE CO2, and that the Earth has become greener in the last 100 years from green house emissions — even though it’s in the literal name “GREEN HOUSE”, because we use greenhouses to grow more food, for this exact reason. Hence the name change to Climate Change. Which doesn’t even really make sense if you think about it.)
These Top Experts of The Science ™️ will look literally anywhere else… except, of course, at the reality of whom is actually polluting our planet with all the plastics and chemicals. And as long as that directional gaze is at normal people just going about their daily life.
And all this, but never mind the fact that dozens of brilliant Doctors, Scientists, and Anthropologists whom have all continuously written hundreds, if not thousands, of papers over the years on this very subject, proving without a shadow of a doubt the falsity of it.
Today, if you dare to disagree with the narrative of their over-population agenda, then you’re simply dismissed and/or ignored, portrayed as some under educated hillbilly, mocked on popular news stations and late night TV shows, as an ignorant animal; long are the days of even the thought of an educated or civil debate. Actual debates no longer have any place in todays arena.
This is the World cowards create.
Truly, it seems that the worst thing in the world to these Top Experts ™️, are more people in the world. Poor people, no less. Oh, the horror.
As the UN’s own residential Neo-Malthusian, Yuval Noah-Harari, (whom ironically contributes about as much to society as a fly trapped inside a house with the windows open) labels us as "useless eaters", and “hackable animals”, while also throwing around terms like “free will” and “surplus” quite often. He may as well just call us all goyim and strap a collar on our necks at this point. Because, why not? He has zero empathy or compassion for humanity. If this is the person that the UN willingly chose as their esteemed spokesperson, I shudder to think what the majority of the rest think of us. They actually heard this guy speak, and then said amongst themselves, “Yep, he’s the one, he really gets it, he really embodies what our organization stands for, and the people will just love him!”
Why do we allow these people to have any say at all regarding what’s best for anyone, when even by their words they paint a very clear picture of people who have a complete and utter contempt for the human species? To a healthy outside viewer, these people are very obviously mentally unwell.
The level of degradation that people have been conditioned to accept today, has become a really very serious issue for some of us.
I dare to postulate officially, that the public benefit and well-being of humanity is not, contrary to the UNs own claims, actually in their interest. These self-proclaimed great protectors of humanity actually appear, for all intent and purpose, to loathe humanity. Very passionately, no less.
So now, I present an alternative viewpoint on the matter of over-population, from a sound, healthy mind.
Undeniably, one of, if not THE Worlds real greatest minds, is Nikola Tesla. In 1905, he shared a beautiful outlook on how he perceived a future with more people on the planet. When The Century Magazine approached him with a sociological issue they wanted him to solve, Tesla in turn penned an amazingly thought-provoking reality of a future with tons of humans.
Titled, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy”, Tesla surmised it wouldn’t actually be an “issue” that required a solution. He likens all humans, regardless of race or religion or geographic conundrum, to an interconnected one-ness.
For brevity, I’ll summarize the 21 page article, but I highly recommend everyone read it themselves.
He starts off with a simple example;
say there is a train with 100 locomotives attached, going a constant speed of 30 MPH. Now, you add 4 more locomotives going the same exact speed, it will increase the trains velocity by 16x. Now, instead let’s say you added 4 more locomotives to the end, but they were going HALF the speed of the train, 15 MPH, yet the velocity of the train is still HIGHER by 1%.
So, even if you added on what everyone would consider a hindrance, it would still increase the trains overall power (velocity). Because Velocity is generally considered better or more powerful than speed, the addition of the slower cars would still be an overall net benefit.
He used this analogy to explain future brilliance of minds and pushing humanity forward. Even the dumbest humans added to the overall human population are still increasing our abilities in a net positive way.
He goes on to stress that every effort should be taken to add better people, not worse. Those with healthy minds and bodies. The Natural system can accommodate the natural “bogging down” of the inevitable addition of a few people who are an absoloute hindrance on the system, and in fact even they are good for a system. But too many bad ones, will eventually bog the train down.
In Teslas simple naivity of goodness, he couldn’t have possibly foreseen how degraded humans would become. If he had, he may have come to different conclusions. Regardless, how would one go about ensuring healthy minds and men? Simple. By ensuring our future generations are healthy. A healthy diet (stop killing animals), education, make, preserving forests and soil, utilizing water power like dams for energy instead of fossil fuel burning, clean water, and cheap nitrogen for soil. He then tells how to create simple useable N2 anywhere in the world. An endless supply, using electricity, the air, and steam. Free. Anyone telling us the lie that our soil is becoming degraded due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil, is flat out lying. It’s nearly free and there is an infinite amount of it in our atmosphere.
Tesla knew the natural system, always had a way of working out, miraculously. It’s one of those inexplicable, unexplainable things that those of us who believe in a divine creator know is due to his work.
Now, he contemplates the detriment of humanity.
Tesla claims there are three dangerous forces; one is the imbeciles of ignorance, and the other is the mentally insane and/or religious fanatics. The latter can be dealt with carefully by using a steady hand and turning their vice into virtue by convincing reasonableness. The former is worse, and must be dealt with as you would a mass without a mind. Because you simply can’t reason with or even predict what an ignorant brute would do. There is nothing more dangerous to humanity than an ignorant man.
And the third was war. But he didnt advocate for disarmament, he realized that peace can only be attained or at least kept at bay, by strength.
Tesla very easily saw the danger of giving up sovereignity for the promise of peace. It would eventuality be abused by the peacekeepers, who would succumb into a bully no one could stop. But he likened ignorance to be the most disastrous to the welfare of humanity than almost anything else on earth, with the exception of weapons. Mainly, ignorant men with weapons. That is why he never advocated for disarmament. Because a being that could and would go on accumulating without limit or fear of being stopped becomes more like a God, which goes against the laws of nature. So, there must always be ways for good men to stop evil, ignorant men.
And that is the only reason that standing armies should exist. Not to provoke or threaten, but to prevent evil from ruling the world, to be used only in defense.
I wonder what Tesla would have to say in the subject today.